When you have items that you personally own and they are on your private property, you do have some element of an expectation of privacy. This is why the police can’t just come into your home and look around without first getting your consent or a search warrant. They...
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Month: January 2024
Can minor children inherit?
Once someone turns 18 years old, they are free to inherit directly. So parents of adult children can just earmark assets for their children in their will or any other way they wish. If, however, the parent dies before the child turns 18, they need another option....
How do you update your estate plan for 2024?
You created your estate plan to ensure your family’s financial stability after you’re gone and to make certain that your final wishes are respected. However, estate planning is never a “one-and-done” operation. Life is full of surprises, and it’s a good idea to...