People in Minnesota and the rest of the United States who are younger than 26 years of age have a higher chance of being arrested than people who belong to older generations. This is according to a study that was done by researchers from a nonprofit research corporation that conducts public policy investigations. The researchers also state that the rates of arrests for women and white Americans are growing the fastest.
The study identifies links between the increasing rates of arrests and lower hourly wages, fewer weeks employed, lower family incomes and lower chances of being married. However, age was found to be another important factor in the findings. The arrest rates for adults whose ages ranged from 26 to 35 years were astounding as adults within that age range were 3.6 times more likely than adults over the age of 66 to have been arrested.
One of the study’s authors asserts that increased enforcement is a key contributing factor to the rise in arrest rates. Based on the evidence available, it can be theorized that the increasing criminalization of the youth in the United States is impacting all genders and races.
The results of the study are based on the country’s longest-running household survey. The survey gathered data from 5,000 families in the United States, including 35,000 people over a course of 50 years. The families were observed to understand more about the work histories, earnings and occurrences of arrests and convictions of individuals.
A criminal defense attorney may work to protect the rights of clients who have been accused of crimes. The attorney might conduct independent investigations and consider the factors of a case before advising clients about their legal options. If necessary, the attorney may litigate to have a client’s charges reduced or to obtain an exoneration.