Collaborative Divorce Can Save Time, Money And Stress
Our law firm is proud to handle collaborative law cases for our family law clients. Collaborative law is an alternative method of divorce that offers several important benefits to spouses, including time savings and a less acrimonious process.
Not all attorneys are qualified to assist with collaborative law proceedings. At Coodin & Overson, PLLP, our attorneys have extensive experience with the unique processes and policies related to collaborative divorce in Minnesota. We take a hands-on approach to collaborative law; as your attorneys, we will work closely with you throughout the process to help you pursue a result that suits your needs and interests.
How Does Collaborative Divorce Work?
Collaborative law is specifically designed to enable both spouses to avoid the litigation process, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Rather than going to court, filing motions and using the court’s involvement to make decisions pertaining to their divorce, the parties and their lawyers agree to work together in creating their own agreements. In fact, both spouses and their attorneys sign a participation agreement at the beginning of the process stating that neither party will go to court.
The goal of collaborative law is to reach your own agreement privately by arranging meetings among the attorneys and parties in a conference room instead of presenting your case in a hearing.
Collaborative law focuses on the future and refrains from bringing up negative experiences that derail a productive discussion. In this model, we assist spouses in making decisions pertaining to child custody, visitation rights, property division and other important considerations. We also help clients connect with parenting consultants, financial planners and other professionals who can help them with the transition from married life to single.
Contact Our Woodbury Law Office
If you are considering a collaborative divorce, our attorneys are prepared to offer experienced legal guidance through every step of the process. To schedule a consultation at our Lake Elmo law office, please contact us online or call 651-204-8692.