Do You Need A Child Custody Evaluation?
Child custody disputes can be emotional and difficult. If you and your spouse cannot reach an agreement, there are options to help you achieve a custody arrangement that is in the best interests of your child.
One option is to have a child custody evaluation performed by a neutral third party known as a custody evaluator. This individual will review your case and provide an assessment of the custody arrangement that will work best for your family.
A custody evaluation may become necessary if you and the other parent are unable to reach an agreement. In some situations, the court may order a custody evaluation to investigate potential custody arrangements in contested situations.
Protecting Your Rights Throughout The Process
At Coodin & Overson, PLLP, in Woodbury, Minnesota, our attorneys are committed to helping our clients through every stage of the custody process, including seeking expert advice when needed to protect you and your child’s interests. For a free consultation with an attorney at our firm, call us at 651-204-8692.
At our firm, we strive to help our clients through negotiation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution such as mediation. Unfortunately, not every custody case can be resolved amicably. At every stage of the process, we will help you weigh your options and determine the best course of action for achieving your goals in divorce or in a separate custody dispute.
Does The Evaluator Have The Final Say?
Custody evaluations are not binding. This means that the court can reach a different conclusion from the evaluator. However, custody evaluations are often given close consideration by the court and can have an impact on the final decision about your custody arrangement.
Speak With A Lawyer About Your Case
To learn more about the custody evaluation process, speak with a lawyer at our firm today. You can call us at 651-204-8692, or contact us online for a free consultation.